

Chapter 1: Revision Tour Python

Class-12 | CBSE 

Computer science with python

Objective Questions | MCQ

Q1. Python was developed by _________

Q2. Which one of the following is a valid identifier?

a) @name

b) name

c) 123name

d) while

Q3. Which one of the following is an invalid identifier?

a) variable

b) name123

c) _name

d) name@123

Q4. Variable name= 'Ashish' and Name='Ashish' are same

a) True

b) False

Q5. A program is a set of ____________________ .

Q6. Python is ___________ programming language .

a) Platform independent

b) Complex

c) Object oriented programming

d) a and c

Q7. Python interpreter executes ___________ at a time.

a) one instruction

b) all the instruction

Q8. Python works in ____________

a) Interactive mode

b) Script mode

c) Shell mode

d) a and b both

Q9. An interactive mode is suitable for ___________

a) A few lines of code

b) For a large program

Q10. Python is _________ language

a) Interpreted

b) Complied

Q11. Python is a ______ sensitive language.

Q12. A variable can hold different ________ of value at different times.

Q13. A variable in Python is defined when a _________ is assigned to it.

Q14. Which one of the following is the correct way to define a variable?

a) var = 5

b) int var = 5

c) 5 = var

d) All of these

Q15. The l-value is that occur on the ________ side of an assignment.

Q16. A r-value is a value that appear on the ______ side of an assignment.

Q17. What is the value of the a and b in the following expression?

a = 10

b = 20

a, b = b , a

print(a, " " ,b)

a) 10 20

b) Error

c) 20 10

d) No output

Q18. What is the value of the a and b in the following expression?

a , b = ( 1 , 2)

print( a, " " , b)

a) 1 2

b) Error

c) No output

Q19. An expression is a combination of ___________ and ______ .

Q20. A statement is an ____________ to the interpreter.

a) instruction

b) expression

Q21. Comments are ___________ by an interpreter.

a) flaged

b) ignored

Q22. A comment in Python begins with_________

a) #

b) @

c) '

d) '''

Q23. Comments are used to tell __________

a) what the code does

b) who has written the code.

Q24. Comments are helpful because they __________

a) tell what the code does

b) make it is easy to understand the code.

Q25. Operators are used to _________ expressions

a) evaluate

b) build

Q26. Which of the following is not an arithmetic operators?

a) +

b) %

c) /

d) x

Q27. Which one of the following expression is evaluated as 2?

a) 5 // 2

b) 5 % 2

c) 5 / 2

Q28. Comparison operator ________ two values.

Q29. Which one of the following is not a comparison operator?

a) =

b) >

c) <

d) ==

Q30. Which one of the following is True?

a) 3 > 2

b) 2 < 2

c) 3 != 3

d) 4 <= 3

Q31. Logical operators evaluate expressions as ______ or ______.

Q32. Which one of the following is True?

a) True and False

b) not True

c) False or False

d) False or True

Q33. Which one of the following is not evaluated to 5?


x = 2

x += 3



x = 6

x -=1


c) b

x = 5

x *= 1



x = 10

x //= 5


Q34. Membership operators check the ___________ of an element in a ______________.

Q35. Find the output of the following?

x = 1

x in [1,2,3,4]

a) True

b) False

Q36. Find the output of the following?

x= 5

x not in (1,2,3,5)

a) True

b) False

Q37. Identity operators compare if objects are referencing the ___________ location.

Q38. Find the output of the following?

a = 2

b = 3.0

c = a + b


a) <class 'float'>

b) <class 'int'>

Q39. Find the output of the following?

a = 2

b= float(a)


a) 2

b) 2.0

Q40. Which of the following will result in error?

a) float('int')

b) float('21'+'43')

c) float('21+43')

Q41. What is the output of the following?

5 % 2

a) 1

b) 2

c) 0

d) None of these

Q42. What is the output of the following?

5 // 2

a) 2

b) 2.0

c) 2.5

d) 1

Q43. What is the output of the following?

5 / 2

a) 2

b) 2.0

c) 2.5

d) 1

Q44. What is the output of the following?


a) 16

b) 256

c) 64

d) 128

Q45. Find out the odd one?

a) =

b) =

c) <=

d) !=

Q46. What is the output of the following?

x = True

y = 1

x and y

a) 1

b) 0

Q47. What is the output of the following?

x = True

y = 0

x and y

a) 1

b) 0

Q48. x = 1 and x == 1 are same

a) True

b) False

Q49. Find the odd one out?

a) and

b) or

c) not

Q50. Is x = x+ 1 is same as x+=1

a) True

b) False

Q51. Which of the following is true?

a) True and True

b) False or False

c) not True

d) True and False

Q52. Find the output of the following?

x = 5


a) True

b) False

c) 1

d) 0

Q53. Find the odd one out?

a) +=

b) %=

c) //=

d) +

Q54. Find the odd one out?

b) %=

c) ==

d) !=

Q55. Which of the following is not of number type?

a) integer

b) float

c) complex

d) string

Q56. Which of the following is not of sequence type?

a) string

b) list

c) tuple

d) dictionary

Q57. Find the output of the following?

print(math.ceil(5.2) ," " , math.ceil(-5.2) )

a) 5 ,-5

b) 6 ,- 5

c) 6 , 5

d) 5, -6

Q58. Find the output of the following?

print(math.floor(5.2), " " , math.floor(-5.2) )

a) 5 , 6

b) 5, - 6

c) 6, -6

d) None of these

Q59. Find the output of the following?

print(math.trunc(5.2), " " , math.trunc(-5.2))

a) 5 , -5

b) 5, 6

c) 6, -5

d) None of these

Q60. Find the output of the following?


a) Error

b) .1111111

c) 9

d) None of these

Q61. Find the output of the following?

import math

print(math.sqrt(4) , math.sqrt(4.0))

a) 2, 2

b) 2, 2.0

c) 2.0, 2.0

d) 2.0, 2

Q62. The output of the math.log2(4) is _______

Q63. The output of the log10(100) is__________

Q64. Find the output of the following code math.factorial(-1)

a) 0

b) -1

c) ValueError

d) None of these

Q65. Which one of the following is an incorrect declaration?

a) a,b,c = 1,2,3

b) a = b = c =1

c) _a = 3

d) 3 = x




Answer Sheet- Chapter Revision Tour Python:


1. Guido van Rossum

2. b


Keyword cannot be used as an identifier

An Identifier can start with a letter or underscore

An Identifier can contain letters, underscores and numbers

3. d

4. b


Python is a case sensitive language

5. instructions

6. d


Python can run on a variety of hardware platforms or software, hence it

is Platform independent

7. a


An interpreter executes one instruction at a time

8. d

9. a

10. a

11. case

12. types

13. value

14. a


5 = var SyntaxError: can't assign to literal

int var = 5 No need of define type, hence int is not required hence

answer is option a

15. left

16. right

17. c

18. a

19. operator, operands

20. a

21. b

22. a

23. a

24. b

25. a

26. d

27. a

28. compare

29. a

30. a

31. True or False

32. d

33. d

34. existence, sequence

35. a

36. b

37. memory

38. a

39. b

40. a

41. a

42. a

43. c

44. b

45. a

46. a

47. b

48. b

49. c

50. a

51. a

52. c

53. d

54. b

55. d

56. d

57. b

59. a

60. b

61. c

62. 2.0

63. 2.0

64. c

65. d


It is a simultaneous assignment or tuple unpacking a, b, c = 1,2,3

It is multiple assignment a = b = c =1

Assigning value to variable _a = 3

It is incorrect because it is not possible to assign value to a literal 3 = x